Senin, 26 Desember 2011

when looking at the outside without seeing the "friendship"

external assessment:

many opinions that say that this self has not had a good principle, always never said the opinion, still as a discussion, always wishy-washy, where - which should be accompanied, spoiled, (it says they are .......... ........)

they just see someone from the outside, but all that we use as motivation to transform itself into manhood alone. when one day event ever, there are three women:

1. beautiful, tall, slim

2. beautiful, cheerful,

3. relative, both

among options is 90% sure a lot of pick no.1 and no.2 .... hmmm,

crossed my mind, why do they always just a beautiful, tall, slim, and whatever other reasons they always choose ... ok no problem lah!

but this one is even crazier ....

Hmmmmm, there is also a friend who did not want to give a lift someone who was overweight (please understand) ... why the hell they were never thought of the man who was "BIG" ... (we are also creatures of God know .....) they prefer to give a lift to pretty, skinny ............ baaahhh: o

I think friendship is not to choose ......

you never feel any sense of a friend whose heart was hurt, do not ever hurt you remove the word when talking and joking, appreciate and not ignore the opinion of friends,

because all that I've ever experienced and it was very painful ....

Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

awan itu ..

sore itu langit terbelah bagaikan sarang lebah dan dikelilingi oleh burung - burung seperti lebah ...
jingga dan biru , sangat cocok ... tetapi kenapa terselip awan hitam diantara mereka .. 
saat itu seperti yang aku rasakan ketika mengetahui betapa cinta itu indah ... didalam kegelapan terpancar cahaya doaku, kurenungkan dengan tetesan air mata ... indahnya cinta didunia ternyata tak seindah cinta ALLAH terhadap umatnya ... Subhanallah ,

aku menyadari itu ...

Senin, 05 Desember 2011


ini bermula dari sebuah keinginan yang kuat, seseorang akan selalu mencapai apa yang mereka inginkan dengan segala pengorbanan jiwa dan raga. Entah, yang ada dalam pikiran mereka hanya "AKU BISA MENCAPAINYA" terus terus dan terus => SEMANGAT

semangat juang masih 100% yang selalu dijaga oleh otak dan hati mereka. Tetapi, ketika musuh terbesar meracuni si SEMANGAT maka mereka perlu membangun adanya benteng IMAN dengan pondasi yang kuat.

kalahkan MALASmu , Bangkitkan kekuatan IMAN dengan SEMANGATmu !!

Minggu, 04 Desember 2011

with abang Radith :D

tanggal 3 kmren dkmpus UAD kedatangan tamu spesial .. " Abang RADITYA DIKA"... hhmmt ... 
dengan gaya gokilnya ..
dia berbagi pengalaman sama kita semua tentang menulis dan jadi seorang komedian stand-up ...
gilaaaaa .... si abang satu ini keren abis ....

walaupun kcewa gag bisa foto sama dia , tapi aq berhasil dapet tandatangan and liat secara dekat ... 
hmmmt , sempet juga tercetus dari mulutku ..
syita : " makasii ya kak ... (dengan 2 jari membentuk lingkaran dan 3 jari keatas = tanda OK)
bang Radit : " sipp , sama sama ... " (with better smile-nya)

seeeeeeeeeeneeeeeeng banget rasaaaaanya ....... :D
sampe2 dibilang ALAY sama tuyul2 ..... :P

thx to my friends : Vitta, Haris, dh' Nesya, Bug ist, Fahmi, Pikko, Idda :D