Jumat, 31 Agustus 2012

Sahabat ~__~

Pertemuan kami dulu terjadi ketika sedang berlangsung program pengenalan kampus yang diselenggarakan oleh kampus kami De'Orange. Echa dan si bee menjadi Panitia, sedangkan aku, bug ist, haris dan abaaang fahmi jadi co-trainner. Kami menamakan diri kami sebagai kelompok Tuyul1-6... hahaaaa

Vintaka Ratih "si bee 1"

teringat pertama kali ketemu si bee, pada saat kita jadi satu kelompok dalam presentasi mata kuliah BioDas. Si bee ini sangat mirip dengan teman SMA-ku yang bernama ratih *Nah Lhoooh @.@*. Kami sering memanggil dia dengan sebutan "bee". Vita ini orangnya ceria, fotogenik, supel, menyenangkan, cepat akrab, tapi nih kalo lagi ada masalah pasti langsung diam dan menyendiri.

Nesya Arantika Dewi "deek Echa"

kenal nesya pada saat satu kelompok ospek, walaupun belum akrab banget. Echa ini orangnya paling gag tega kalo udah liat orang minta-minta, dimanapun pasti dikasih sama dia. Aktivis, pekerja keras, supel, menyenangkan, paling bisa menyembunyikan masalah dengan senyuman tulusnya, semua pengen dikerjakan sendiri soalnya orangnya cekatan.

Isti Ariningsih "Bug Ist"

Diantara kami ber-enam, bug ist lah yang paling dewasa *upss. Paling tanggap kalo kita lagi ngadepin masalah, Miss beauty, paling berpengalaman (cinta) jadi kita sering sharing dan curhat, xixixi.. pintar, rajin nyatet, kalo masak wiiiiiiww enak lhooh ?(???)?... Tapi nih pernah sesekali bug ist lagi ada masalah yang diajak ngobrol cuma haris sama abang fahmi, sedangkan aku, deek echa dan vita didiemin. HaHaHaa *piss bug ist*

Haris Setiawan "si bee 2"

Paling genius kalo lagi bahas apapun tentang biologi, tapi kalo lagi pada bahas percintaan dia hanya terdiam membatu *apacoba* :p .... Mr.charming, pintar, ip selalu tinggi, suka korea (SnSd *WooW*), branded. Kebiasaan aneh si bee ini adalah ketika mendengarkan musik pake earphone pasti jari telunjuknya gerak-gerak sendiri. HaHaaHaa *piss ^^v

Galuh Alif Fahmi Rizki "abang fahmi"

pertama kali ketemu fahmi dikelas B, mulai akrab sem.3 pada saat kami masuk PGBI. Si abaang ini orangnya Quiet, cuek, paling cool *soalnya dari kulonprogo*, paling banyak yang nge-fans, suka banget sama Bondan Prakoso ft Fade 2 Black. Kebiasaan aneh si abang adalah kalo lagi presentasi pasti tangannya gerak2 kayak DJ-Rapp.

Persita Pupung H. "Bundaa"

inilah aku yang sering dipanggil dengan sebutan bunda. Bermula dari semester 2, pertama kali yang memanggil adalah deek echa, dan akhirnya semua pada ketularan memanggilku "Bunda". Diantara ber-6 akulah yang paling muda tapi malah dianggap yang paling tua. Kata mereke ber-6, aku ini baik, sabar, sering lupa, sering plin-plan, sering heboh sendiri, strong mother*kata Haris*, hahaaaa...

Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2012

New Popular Idol

Hii, Guys ....
I have a good News, it is about my new popular idol ...
 yuppp ... ONE DIRECTION ,

there are Niall, Harry, Louis, Liam, Zayn .....

Selasa, 03 April 2012

Concert Vidi Aldiano and Afgansyah Reza

They were concert in Grand Pasific Hall Yogyakarta. So, do not miss it!
for more information, directly searching only in www.gmac2012.com

My Favourite Singer ==> Vidi Aldiano

Vidi Aldiano is a solo singer who newcomer to Indonesia's music industry. He was born in Jakarta, March 29, 1990.  
He has 3 albums, 


Now, he studied at University of Pelita Harapan (Electrical Engineering) .. woow, very proud!
other than that he got grade point 4.00 ... hmm, subhanallah ... we need to follow his achievement, guys !!!

there is one song that I like, the song "Kunanti Candamu"

Kau lah yang paling terindah
Yang pantas kurindukan
Hingga mampu mengikat erat
Semua hari-hari yang kulalui
Dan selalu menjerat ke alam kerinduan
Yang sangatlah dalam
Tak pernah ku bisa lupakan dirinya
Walau sejenak saja
Ku ingin kau kembali tersenyum
Bukanlah sedih dan menangis
Maafkan kesalahan
Saat kita masih bersama
Dan bawalah aku melayang
Mendayung cinta di awan
Akankah kembali dan kunikmati lagi
Reff :
Slalu kunanti candamu kembali
Tak pernah lelah hatiku
Kan tetap disini… dan selalu kunanti
Candamu kembali
Slalu kunanti candamu kembali
Kuingin memiliki lagi… slalu kunanti
Candamu kembali

Yupp, i love this song ... I really like someone who has a personality like Vidi Aldiano ... besides having a very melodious voice, his performance was very proud ...

if you want to know all the information about Vidi, quickly go to his web www.vidialdiano.com

Senin, 02 April 2012

This Japanese children

They are very cute and adorable, beautiful smile that they always show to all who see them ...

Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

International Code of Botanical Nomenclature


Principle I
Botanical nomenclature is independent of zoological and bacteriological nomenclature. The Code applies equally to names of taxonomic groups treated as plants whether or not these groups were originally so treated.

Principle II
The application of names of taxonomic groups is determined by means of nomenclatural types.

Principle III
The nomenclature of a taxonomic group is based upon priority of publication.

Principle IV
Each taxonomic group with a particular circumscription, position, and rank can bear only one correct name, the earliest that is in accordance with the Rules, except in specified cases.

Principle V
Scientific names of taxonomic groups are treated as Latin regardless of their derivation.

Principle VI
The Rules of nomenclature are retroactive unless expressly limited.

(Vienna Code), Electronic version

Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

The Moral Crisis of The Nation’s Youth

In Indonesia is currently widespread discussion about “ The Moral Crisis of The Nation’s Youth”. This moral crisis if not addressed from now will be fatal in the future. Indonesia have largest population after China, one of the nation's wealth is owned by the cultural diversity of our people. Every area in Indonesia have different languages ​​and cultures. Cultural diversity that we have it if not manage properly then this nation experiencing a shift of cultures will be resulted in a crisis in moral values of the nation. How this country can be aligned with other nations if the morally of the nation's youth is corrupted.

Moral crisis is caused by several factors that affect a shift of cultures global will be entered in the culture of Indonesia. Finally, the Indonesia culture will be faded. There are some examples of moral corruption is a criminal case such as official corruption, many cases of violence among adolescents, drug abuse, childrens who look a pornographic videos, and any other. If the future of our country will be held by an unscrupulous generation. Of course, we must give a primary education to investment for the future and the only way to prepare the next generation of qualified people who advance the state.

Education is very important, it can be formed starting from the education. It comes from family and formal education. The first of education is provided by the family because it became a major stronghold in a person's moral formation. Then, the school should be given a lesson on morals. From the beginning until now only religion lessons and PKN are given, therefore the Government made a character education to be included to every school. So that, the next generation must have a smart mind and also have a good moral. Not only from family and school education, we also needed cooperation of the society and environment.

Knowingly or not, the reality of moral is very influential in our lives and will be important in social life. So, with strong determination and hopely that from now in Indonesian nation must begin to reorganize themselves in order to align with other nations because we are a moral nation, civilized and ethical. - Persita Pupung-